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weirds me out

weirds me out

Date: Nov 22 2001


1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.

There’s something that sort of weirds me out about actors who want to be rock stars.”
- Gwyneth Paltrow, actress, talking about her singing career


1. Definition - Study the definition.

something that makes you feel uncomfortable or strange, finding something or someone very odd, different, or out of place and it gives you a funny feeling

2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.

Weirds me out” is similar to the expression “freaks me out” which means something is unfamilar or strange and makes you feel uncomfortable. “Weirds me out” can be used when talking about a movie or television show you saw that was strange.
Weirds me out” is an informal expression. You probably want to use it with friends and people you are comfortable with. When speaking with more formal people like teachers and managers, you could say “I find it strange that Bob only wears smelly clothes,” instead of “It weirds me out that Bob only wears smelly clothes.”


1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.

””It weirds me out when my dad starts singing as we stand in line at the movie theater.”“

””I don’t eat sushi because something about dead fish just weirds me out.”“

””A guy on the bus stared at me the whole way home. That weirds me out.”“


1. Winners - See who guessed the slang definition correctly.

I think it means tha person feels strange about or finds it strange.
by Edilene (Brazil)
“Weirds me out”-unusual reaction; funny reaction; freak out.
by Diosa (Philippines)
I think weird me out means make me feel very strange, can’t understand why.
by Sherlly
I think the phrase “weirds me out” means something surprises me, shocks me or makes me feel strange about that.
by Sarvarbeck (Uzbekistan)
‘Weirds me out’ means makes me surprised?
by Candie

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i think it means i am totally uncomfortabtle with that situation.

07:45 AM Jul 03 2007 |

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